Devotions, Featured

Cue the Ugly Cry

By: Lyndsay Crews

Having a kindergarten graduation ceremony…really? And during the ceremony, I am subjected to a PowerPoint presentation with sappy music reminding me of the time I can’t get back with my kid. Cue the ugly cry. Milestones such as graduation, birthdays, getting your license, etc. are important to burn into your memory. But recently, I’ve been thinking about milestones that go unnoticed. What if this is the last time my 6 year old sits in my lap or the last time my 4 year old and I play Candyland together or our last family dance party in the kitchen? My family’s schedule is jammed packed with “stuff”, but in light of the unnoticed milestone moments, I’m trying to slow down and savor the little moments more.

I don’t think ‘busy’ is the right word for missing unplanned moments. I think being in ‘too much of a hurry and distracted’ is a more accurate description. I’m rushing through my potentially last game of Candyland so I can squeeze in a quick dinner before heading out to basketball practice. Getting stuff done is not wrong, but when we rush from task to task, we end up placing more priority on the task instead of the person right in front of us.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens”

– Ecclesiastes 3:1

Have you ever noticed that Jesus never seemed to be in a hurry? Today, let’s try to intentionally slow down and savor the unnoticed moments with our families. Lord, please help us to slow down so we can savor our relationship with You and be the mom and wife you’ve called us to be.