Devotions, Featured

Awkward Questions with Wrong Answers

My kids are close together in age—currently 5, 4, 2, and 1 years old. As you might guess, going out in public tends to quickly become a spectacle. By this point, I’m usually prepared for whatever the kids throw at me and whatever comments strangers throw at me. They say something like “I don’t know how you do it…” or “Better you than me!” or “You sure have your hands full!” Those are easy. Then there are the sometimes awkward questions—things like “Are they all yours?” or “Did you plan it that way?” I try to smile and give a light hearted answer about not being a good planner or being shocked by being pregnant again…until recently. My daughter, having heard one of these exchanges, asked some questions about not being planned. I realized I was nonchalantly talking with negativity about her, and she knew it.

Our kids listen and watch us even when we think they aren’t. They hear our comments that shape who they are and what they think about themselves. Even if you were “surprised” by something about your child that was outside of your control, God wasn’t surprised. And our children need to know that they are part of God’s plan and that God never gets surprised.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” – Jeremiah 1:5

When people talk about your children today, be mindful of the things you’re saying about them. Use the opportunity to share with others about God’s graciousness and how He has blessed you.

By: Lyndsay Crews