
What’s in a Name?

With 4 small kids, we have to see our pharmacist frequently. In the winter, we sometimes see her at least weekly. One night, as I put my son to bed, he asked, “What’s our medicine girl’s name?” I asked, “Medicine girl?” He said, “The girl at the store that gives us medicine.” I didn’t know her name so I answered quickly, “Pharmacist”. I had seen her weekly for months, and I never took the time to know her name. She was just my pharmacist paid to serve me.

When we know someone’s name, we humanize him or her. They’re no longer just the pharmacist; they are Sarah, the pharmacist, with hurts, fears, and joys just like us. When you know someone as a person beyond their occupation, we begin to see them as God sees them, dearly loved.

“Don’t look out for your own interest, but take an interest in others too.”                    – Philippians 2:4

Today, call your pharmacist or house cleaner or mailman by name in front of your children. Teach your kids how to humanize a person beyond their occupation. Pray that God would help you see people the way He sees people so you can show them His love.

By: Lyndsay Crews